3 Reasons Why Writing When Sick Is Not A Good Idea

1. You need to get healthier

First of all, think of your health. Whilst it's true that you're not exactly leaping over assault courses when you're writing it still saps your energy and stresses you out. First and foremost you need to get better and return to work. Ultimately, the healthier you are the fresher your mind and the better your writing will be when you finally put pen to paper (or should that be finger to keyboard?) again.

2. You Write Best When You're Fresh

When you're fresh you can write for hours, and churn out hundreds, if not thousands of words in a day. When you're sick you can't. When you're sick you cough, splutter, stare at the page, forget where you were, and start again etc etc. It's a waste of time. Has anyone ever looked at what they wrote when they were sick? I have. It was pretty bad, mostly drivel. I had to bin it all. I am at my most productive - just like most of the human race - when both my head and body are fresh and raring to go (like today!).

3. Do Some Reading

As well as catching up on some much needed rest I also advise writers to catch-up on some quality reading. Finding time to read can be one of the biggest challenges any author faces. On top of our writing schedules, work and family commitments and social lives (yes, these are important too!) finding a slot for the latest J.K Rowling or Harlan Coben can often be difficult. So when you're tucked up in bed or else sprawled on your sofa open that book you've been meaning to read and INDULGE because it might just be the best chance you get.

Final Word.

If you have any comments on the subject of this blog please do not hesitate to engage - writers thrive on it!

Also, if you would like to have a look at my book: Jack Strong and the Red Giant about a 12 year old boy's adventures in space you can find the link here:



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